[商品主貨號] U100541246
[代售商品編號] 101002100519
[ISBN-13碼] 9781594201479
[ISBN] 1594201471
[作者] Alan Greenspan
[出版社] The Penguin Press
[出版日期] 2007年09月17日
[內容簡介] (本項為出版商制式文字, 不論下文註明有無附件, 仍以本拍賣商品標題為準, 標題未註明有附件者一律均無) The Age of Turbulence (Asian Export Edition): Adventures in a New World Special Asian Edition--with text written exclusively for the Asian Market 人生的新世界可以如何探索。今天的新世界如何形成。 以及,2030年以前,我們將面臨與經歷的事情。 「本書一部分是偵探故事。九一一之後,我知道,無庸置疑,我們活在一個新世界裡——一個全球資本主義經濟的世界,較之四分之一個世紀前,更為彈性、強韌、開放、自我導引,和快速變動。這個世界帶給我們非常多的新發展,但也有非常多的新挑戰。 《我們的新世界》是我對這新世界的探討——我們如何達成今天的成就、現在正經歷些什麼、視野之外的未來又會遭逢什麼,不管是好是壞。可能的話,我將以我的想法把我的經驗寫出來。我之所以這樣做,一部分是為了記錄歷史的責任感,一部分則是為了讓讀者認識我的背景。因此,本書分為二部分:前半部是我對我的學習曲線之回憶,後半部則是比較客觀的論述,運用這些論述,建立一套觀念架構以瞭解新世界經濟。 全書我都在探討這個全球新興環境的關鍵元素:支配新世界經濟的原理;提供新世界經濟力量的龐大能源基礎結構;對新世界經濟產生威脅的全球金融失衡及全球人口劇烈變動問題;以及,雖然新世界經濟之成功無庸置疑,對其報酬分配的正義問題之長期關切。最後,我把全部整合起來,讓我們可以合理推測構成二○三○年世界經濟的元素。 我不會假裝知道所有答案。但我在聯準會的職位,讓我享有特權取得許多議題上的所有思想和言論。在探索一些影響相當廣的假說上,我並沒有受到限制。」──艾倫.葛林斯潘 ★本書中譯本由大塊文化出版 In the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, in his fourteenth year as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan took part in a very quiet collective effort to ensure that America didn't experience an economic meltdown, taking the rest of the world with it. There was good reason to fear the worst: the stock market crash of October 1987, his first major crisis as Federal Reserve Chairman, coming just weeks after he assumed control, had come much closer than is even today generally known to freezing the financial system and triggering a genuine financial panic. But the most remarkable thing that happened to the economy after 9/11 was...nothing. What in an earlier day would have meant a crippling shock to the system was absorbed astonishingly quickly. After 9/11 Alan Greenspan knew, if he needed any further reinforcement, that we're living in a new world - the world of a global capitalist economy that is vastly more flexible, resilient, open, self-directing, and fast-changing than it was even 20 years ago. It's a world that presents us with enormous new possibilities but also enormous new challenges. The Age of Turbulence is Alan Greenspan's incomparable reckoning with the nature of this new world - how we got here, what we're living through, and what lies over the horizon, for good and for ill-channeled through his own experiences working in the command room of the global economy for longer and with greater effect than any other single living figure. He begins his account on that September 11th morning, but then leaps back to his childhood, and follows the arc of his remarkable life's journey through to his more than 18-year tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, from 1987 to 2006, during a time of transforming change. Alan Greenspan shares the story of his life first simply with an eye toward doing justice to the extraordinary amount of history he has experienced and shaped. But his other goal is to draw readers along the same learning curve he followed, so they accrue a grasp of his own understanding of the underlying dynamics that drive world events. In the second half of the book, having brought us to the present and armed us with the conceptual tools to follow him forward, Dr. Greenspan embarks on a magnificent tour de horizon of the global economy. He reveals the universals of economic growth, delves into the specific facts on the ground in each of the major countries and regions of the world, and explains what the trend-lines of globalization are from here. The distillation of a life's worth of wisdom and insight into an elegant expression of a coherent worldview, The Age of Turbulence will stand as Alan Greenspan's personal and intellectual legacy. 作者簡介 Alan Greenspan(艾倫.葛林斯潘) 生於1926年,在紐約市附近的華盛頓高地長大。他在茱莉亞音樂學院修習單簧管,並成為職業演奏家,之後在紐約大學攻得經濟學學士、碩士和博士學位。1954年,共同創辦了陶森─葛林斯潘經濟顧問公司(Townsend-Greenspan & Co.)。1974年到1977年間,擔任福特總統旗下的經濟顧問委員會(Council of Economic Advisors)主席。1987年當時的美國總統雷根提名葛林斯潘擔任聯邦準備會主席,之後經歷了老布希總統、柯林頓總統(兩任)至小布希總統,總共五任總統任期18年半內,2006年在眾人的掌聲中卸任。葛林斯潘是美國任期最久的美國聯準會主席。 葛林斯潘主張自由市場經濟,他認為政府應該儘可能減少相關管制,以充分發揮市場機制。但當美國金融市場受到大幅波動時,他總是果決地升、降息,以穩定市場。葛林斯潘的權力在美國可以說是僅次於總統,但他實際的影響力遍布全球,他的任何決定,都會反映在世界各地的經濟活動上。 聯準會是美國這個超級帝國的經濟中樞。1987年10月19日紐約股市「黑色星期一」之後,葛林斯潘力挽狂瀾,這成就使他成為眾人相傳的經濟之神。 1994年時,葛林斯潘一次接一次地提高利率,結果這被認為瘋狂的舉動使得美國經濟平安「軟著陸」,創造美國歷史上最長的經濟上升時期之一,也使柯林頓總統依憑經濟政績連任成功。 在葛林斯潘執掌年間,帶領美國經濟度過了兩次經濟大衰退、一次股市大崩盤,以及重大事件如波灣戰爭、九一一事件、卡崔娜颶風侵襲等事件,但美國的世界經濟霸主地位比18年前更形穩固。葛林斯潘的成就被讚譽為:「有史以來最好的聯準會主席」。 諾貝爾經濟獎得主密爾頓‧傅利曼曾說:「葛林斯潘的成就是向世人證明:維持價格穩定是可行的。」葛林斯潘擔任美國聯準會主席時的貢獻,證明了經濟學的實用功能,於是媒體界的人們稱呼葛林斯潘為「經濟學家中的經濟學家」。
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